Monday, October 29, 2007

Berocca is the Aussie cure-all

Reuters did a fun piece last week based on some stats from Google on which countries search which term most often. Apparently the Egyptians, Indians and Turkish searched most for "sex." But the most surprising thing for me is that Aussies are not listed next to the term hangover. I guess we already have our cure-all in Berocca so no need for a search. (NB: Berocca is a jolt of vitamin B in a plesant fizzy drink form - and the first thing you reach for after a big night of drinking).

Other findings based on three years of tracking were;

"Hangover" - Ireland, United Kingdom, United States

"Burrito" - United States, Argentina, Canada

"Jihad" - Morocco, Indonesia, Pakistan

"Terrorism" - Pakistan, Philippines, Australia

"Iraq" - United States, Australia, Canada

"Taliban" - Pakistan, Australia, Canada

"Tom Cruise" - Canada, United States, Australia

"Britney Spears" - Mexico, Venezuela, Canada

"Homosexual" - Philippines, Chile, Venezuela

"Love" - Philippines, Australia, United States

"Botox" - Australia, United States, United Kingdom

"Viagra" - Italy, United Kingdom, Germany

"David Beckham" - Venezuela, United Kingdom, Mexico

"Kate Moss" - Ireland, United Kingdom, Sweden

"Car bomb" - Australia, United States, Canada

"Marijuana" - Canada, United States, Australia

Hmmm - seems the Aussies ARE a little obsessed with terrorism. What's that all about? And Botox? I thought we were above that. And I'm sorry to my neighbouring Americans but Burrito's? Seriously? There's a Taco Bell on every corner where I live.

One announcement before I go. As you probably are aware, My Digital Muse is closing its doors from Thursday. This is the last chance to use up those GCs if you have any. Some designers are retiring, others are moving and selling at different stores. You can stop by the forums to find out where people are going.

I am on Tara Sroka's personal CT and she is moving to her own store! I am so excited for her and I know she plans to keep up some of the challenges etc that were so poular over at MDM - including her fabulous card template challenge. She is also planning some fun stuff for digi scrapping day this weekend so make sure you pay her a visit at Here are some more details.

Thanks for stopping by


A Little Pumpkin Picking

We finally had some nice Autumn weather in Portland over the weekend - and we made the most of it with our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch with some friends. Pumpkin picking is a relatively new tradition for me. Not a lot of pumkins in Australia in October and the whole Fall/Halloween frenzy is a little different here is the States - OK, a LOT different. I have really come to enjoy this annual tradition though and each year Thomas is able to appreciate it a little more. And, let's face it - plenty of great photo opps.

We are a little late in the season for pumpkins this year The best ones have already been picked and we found ourselves walking through a sad graveyard of decaying pumpkin flesh and dead vines. The good news is that the weather was great and we got to see some farm animals and take a trip on a hay ride. I think we’ll be aiming to take the pumpkin trip earlier in the season next year though.

Here are some favourite pics from the day (unedited and please ignore the runny nose - we were short on tissues, ugh!)

And a couple more favs from the park. We definitely made the most of the sunshine this weekend.

Oh, and I finished my final LO for Stand up and Scrap. What a relief! I really like my final LO but to be honest I don't really feel like I got a lot out of the contest. I didn't feel like I could really scrap about the things I love to scrap - everyday life. I felt I had to delve much deeper to create something truly "memorable", well in the judges eyes anyway. It just felt a little forced. This is the first big contest I have entered and I did learn a lot about why I scrap for myself. Not sure how many of my LOs will actually end up in an album...

I have been feeling a little creativity coming back though so that's the good news. I think the great weather has helped and I only have 1.5 weeks until I am in my second trimester when everything is supposed to magically change. Right? :)

Well, best get some work done. TTFN (Ta ta for now).

Friday, October 26, 2007

I Scrapped!

Wow - can you believe it?

And I used a girly kit to scrap this pic of my baby. Everything from Lauren Reid's Nelly kit available now at Oscraps. Frame is from KSharonK at Pickleberry Pop.

I even scrapped again last night with a new Dani kit but can't show you that one quite yet.

I'll be working on my Mojo over the weekend to finish up the final Stand Up and Scrap layout. This contest really could not have come at a worse time for me. The little peanut has really sapped my creativity but the second trimester is just around the corner and my energy and creativity is supposed to return with force then, right? Right? Anyway, I have been a little disappointed that not one of my LOs has been picked as top ten. I think I just scrap a little differently than what the judges are looking for. I have a more simple style and really don't enjoy doing fancy things like extractions. It's all about preserving my memories in the best way for me so that's the trade off. I wil post all my LOs here once I'm done. There are one or two that I really like but the others are just OK.

On the home front, things are going really well. I have not had any morning sickness or any other nasty preggo symptom apart from a little indigestion. Oh, and looking like I'm five months pregnant when I am not even three! People at work have started looking at me like they're trying to work out whether I am pregnant or not but I'm still at that stage where it's dangerous to ask. I hate the flabby belly stage. Can't wait until I have the nice round hard belly.

I actually loved being pregnant last time around - everything up until the emergency C-Section was just perfect. And this time I am pregnant in WINTER - so less chance of those huge elephant ankles. :)

Apologies for the LOOOOONG post. :) I should just post more often so that I can say everything that's on my mind.

Thanks for stopping by


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Reason...

...I have been moody

...I have been tired

...I have been going to bed at 9pm every night

...I have been slacking on my blog posts

...I have been almost absent from my CT boards

...I have not been scrapping

...I have NOT been wanting to pick up my computer outside of work (actually not even AT work)

...My pants are too tight

...I can concentrate on less than one thing at a time

All because of this...

Who would have thought something so small could have such a big impact and (gasp!) stop me from wanting to scrap!

Yes, Baby number two is on his or her way on or around May 23rd of next year. The plan was to start trying in Agust. Seems when I plan something I REALLY like to stick with my plan. :)

So there's my excuse - and I have a full seven months left to use it so be prepared.


Thursday, October 11, 2007

I should just read other blogs

I really need a lift this week and I think I found it thanks to others in the digi world.

Jodie's post about being a mother made me cry - in a good way.

And it seems Jessica Sprague is going through her own scrapping crisis. Sometimes it's good to be reminded that you need balance. I could have easily written the following sentence, I just didn't realize it what the problem was.

"Lately I’ve been feeling a little kind of scraped-out. Like there isn’t that much left of me to give. I don’t know if this feeling is exhaustion or burnout or just a mood-swing, or one of the ebbs and flows of life and creativity. One thing I do see clearly now, that I need to do better, is to take time for important things. I see now that part of this murky sort of “something’s wrong” feeling is that I’m unbalanced in the way I’ve been living."

This weekend I am getting back on track - with my life, with scrapping, with everyothing. I have a Lauren Reid raklift to do which is very important to me, a ew LO for Stand up and Scrap and a new Nancy LO. I need some scrapping therapy. :)

And here's a pic - just 'cause. Why do I need a reason? :) - I mean, it's not even edited, eeeck!

Have a great day


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Just not feeling it

I don't what it is lately but I just don't feel like scrapping. I feel like my mojo has abandoned me and sitting on a computer to scrap just doesn't interest me at all right now. I hate this feeling.

Maybe it's because I have so much else on my mind. Can't share right now but but there is some big stuff happening that is taking up a lot of my brain power. You may be able to guess what it is if you read the next edition of Lauren's newsletter. LOL!

I have been scrapping for the Stand Up and Scrap competition. I was really happy with last week's LO (all about paper) but didn't end up in the top 10. Have to keep reminding myself that I'm doing it for myself, not to win. I guess that's a little difficult to focus on when I really don't feel like scrapping at the moment.

This change may also be because we went driectly from Summer to winter here in Oregon. What happened to the crisp autumn days I am used to? Why is it constantly raining already? I mean I expect it at some point but just not this early. I want to go outside and take some fun autumn pics. You know the ones where Thomas can jump in piles of leaves and frolic in the sunshine. Sigh!

Wow - this post has been a downer huh? Promise I will return with some good news soon... and maybe even a new LO. Now wouldn't that be nice?


Monday, October 8, 2007

Don't miss it!

Not much fun in our house right now. Thomas is sick with croup and been clinging to Mummy every moment he can. I wasn't at work on Friday and will be home today as well. Needless to say we didn't have the best weekend.

The good news is that it is Hybrid Week at MDM Here are the details. Click on the image to go straight there.

Promise I will post more soon.

Thanks for stopping by.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Haven't been around much lately. I had a work offsite last week which put me out of contact for a couple of days and I've just been feeling very tired. I am one of those people who can't go to be before 9pm, even if I am exhausted. I think it's all those years of being told to go to bed when I didn't want to. I am finally "rebelling".

We've also been very busy on the weekends. I seriously thought things would slow down in October but it seems to be getting worse. We had a pot luck at a friend's house on Saturday with about 5 other families (and their kids). We know most of them from our pre-natal classes when I was pregnant with Thomas so it was fun to catch up again. On Sunday we had second birthday number 132! This time it was for Ethan, one of Thomas' friends since birth so that was fun as well - but another couple of hours spent with a whole bunch of adults and their kids. It was really a kidfest this weekend.

I am looking forward to Wednesday - my day off and the day when Thomas and I can just hang out. He has been so sweet and funny lately and I am really having fun spending time with him. He even kept himself occupied in his playroom last night while I cooked an entire meal. Haven't made more than fish and rice in I don't know how long. Last night's chicken stroganoff was practically a gourmet meal!

A while ago we tried to teach Thomas to say "No Thank you" rather than NOOOOOOOO! when he didn't want something. The last few days he has started saying "No 'Hanks" and i is soooo cute. This morning we were walking down the stairs to his daycare and he said "Oh my gosh! That's Amazing!" Not sure exactly what he was referring to - but cute none the less. We definitely have a little chatterbox on our hands.

As for the scrapping - I just haven't been feeling it lately. I have been doing my Stand up and Scrap assignments (actually two for each challenge so far, and then I choose my favourite), but apart from that I have been on a little hiatus. I think with MDM closing I have been looking at how I spend my time. I am actually a little relieved that I will have some more time on my hands - time that I can spend on my other CT projects and on scrapping for myself.
A couple of CT things I have to mention.
  1. Lauren Reid is leaving Scrapartist (don't worry she is going somewhere else) and she's having a 35% off sale. Details here and store here.
  2. Dani Mogstad is celebrating 2 years of Design by Dani. Big savings in the store and a fabulous party bag if you spend $5 - and believe me, it is definitely worth it.
  3. Big savings are starting at MDM for the final month. Make sure you keep stopping by to pick up some goodies from the designers and find out where they are going.
Well that's enough of my rambling today. I'll finish with a photo because I HAVE to include something visual.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great Tuesday.
