Friday, June 29, 2007

A couple of quick layouts

So what's going on today? Well it's Friday which is always good. We have a potuck with Thomas' new daycare later today so I have to make a quick pasta salad - good thing I'm working from home today. It will be a great opportunity to meet some of the daycare parents. Most of them are from around the neighborhood so we will actually get to meet some of our neighbors after more than a year of living here.

Anyway, can't chat too much. I am taking a quick break from work to post a couple of layouts. The first one is using the new Dani/Amy Martin Collab kit called Funky Free, which will post at the Sweet Shoppe tomorrow. I usually have a problem with July 4th themed kits because, well, I'm not American (although I DO live here). I just don't feel right creating layouts with an independence day theme. Maybe I'll feel differently when I have my US citizenship.

Here is my layout - just LOVE this photo of Thomas.


And this one was a scraplift for the scavenger hunt at the Lilypad. Got my entry in and now I'm patiently waiting to see if I won anything. I already received some free frames from Nancy Comelab this week. They are the first release from her Ultimate Frame collection and are fantastic. I used a couple of them for this layout along with some of the papers from Jen Wilson's new Attire collection and some bits and pieces from Holly McCaig, Dani Mogstad, Little Dreamer Designs and Lauren Reid.


OK - best get back to work. Thanks for stopping by.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A Meaningful Pic.

Nancy Comelab's blog has been hijacked by her creative team and they are running some fun challenges for a few weeks. My goal is to complete all of the challenges - the prize is good but most of all because it gets me thinking and creating. I didn't understand the whole challenge phenomenon before I joined a few CTs. Now I realise how helpful they are to get the creative juices flowing - especially when you think you've used every last good photo in your stash.

So... should I get to the point? This week's challenge is to post a photo of a meaningful place or moment - trying not to include any people (at least as the focal point) and using one of Nancy's frames. Here is mine.

Tape is from the MDM Junk Trunk Collab kit and the pinned tag is by Holly McCaig, also from MDM.

I took this photo in October of '06. Mt St. Helens had just reopened after a period of closure due to some rumblings. But as you can see from the photo, it was still smoking a little. We were so fortunate to have a beautiful clear day in the NW and even more fortunate because my parents were visiting from Australia.

In the information center, they show a video presentation all about the big eruption that flattened the landscape about 25 years ago. When the video is finished, the screen lifts and this is the view through the window - just amazing. I waited until almost everyone had left the theatre to take this photo. One of the few times that I have had the patience to wait. Usually I just point and shoot. As you can see though, not quite everyone had left but I think the sillouettes add to the shot.

One more memory from that day... My father was very interested in the constrcution of the information center and convinced that it was built to withstand another eruption. I admit, it looked impressive but I wasn't convinced that we would survive an eruption being this close to the volcano. Sure enough, we were told by a park ranger that we would in fact die - albeit very quickly - should the volcano choose to put on a big show. Not really informaton I needed to know.

So there's my story. Thanks for stopping by to read it. :)

And one more thing before I go... run on over to My Digital Muse and check out the $2 Wednesday --- Tara's awesome new Rock Star Kit is just $2 - fantastic value! Click on the preview to go directly to her store.

Until next time

Monday, June 25, 2007

"Back" in Business (get it?)

Yes, that was a pun. Pretty good I'd say... it being a Monday and all. (Read the previous post if you have no clue how funny I am. :))

And speaking of Monday - who in their right mind schedules a 2 hour meeting at 8am? I hope no one expects me to remember anything that was discussed. What a way to start the week.

Now my weekend was another matter. Kei and I have decided to do away with our tradition of alternating our sleep in on the weekend. No, we are not going to let Thomas fend for himself until we finally drag ourselves out of bed. Rather we are on a renewed commitment to get healthy, which includes plenty of sleep and getting up early on the weekend to make the most of our day. In fact this concept is so new to us that we didn't quite know what to do with ourselves on Saturday. In Portland we experience 16 hours of daylight at this time of year - and that's a lot of time to kill.

We DID start choosing fixtures for our new bathroom on Sunday. Very exciting but I can see that I am more interested in the details than Kei. Of course, if he doesn't like the end result then I will definitely hear about it. He DID have a definite opinion on the toilet though - must have a good flush... and I think that's fair enough.

And I also had time to scrap a few pages. Tara sent me her new kit which I love. The colors are good for boys and girls (yes, even some pink!) and it is perfect for kids, teenagers and adults alike. Extremely versatile. Anyway, this layout is just a taste but you check out the real thing in the MDM store very soon. Rumour has it that it may even be around for $2 Wednesday... ;-).

And this one with the Mahalo kit that I just can't get enough of. So versatile and I LOVE using Dani's shapes - so easy to use and so versatile. And I'm sorry, but how adorable is this picture? :)

LO and Credits

And another with some of Dani's stuff - I have been so inspired by everything linear and graphic lately.

LO and Credits

Before I go - I want to publically thank everyone who has left a message on my blog. Who knew that people would actually read this thing? :) It also makes me feel more confident leaving messages on other blogs. I am a lurker from way back and I never knew how great it feels to know that your ramblings were being read by others. So... THANK YOU!

Until next time.


Friday, June 22, 2007

Back Problems

My back has been a little sore so I had a seated massage at work yesterday (the masseurs come to the office but you stull have to pay). Anyway, she loosened something up because I was lifting Thomas into the bath last night and something tweaked. Ouch!
Those of you with toddlers are probably aware of how much they like to climb. And most often the thing they like to climb is Mama. Double Ouch. Well I have finally been able to rest my poor back because Thomas is at daycare so here I am sitting on the couch and afraid to move too much. We have friends coming over tonight so I have to clean the house and it's safe to say that it is the LAST THING I feel like doing.

So, instead I will do a little enabling.

New Dani Collab Kit - Mahalo
Dani has created this gorgeous collab kit with Miriam Lima. It's called "Mahalo" will be up for sale at Sweet Shoppe soon, but here is a taste in the meantime. Perfect for scrapping my Maui pics. :)

Click here for full credits and check out the rest of the product gallery here.

And I also used this kit with one of Tara's fabulous card templates to create this little number. I am loving those templates lately. SO easy and the results are beautiful.

Have I been living under a rock?
Before I go - just have to share that I have "discovered" this fabulous designer called Lauren Reid and I just love her stuff. Here are a couple of pages I created using her Hot Mama To Be kit which has just so many gorgeous colors. She also has a new kit out called Create Wings and it equally as beautiful. I have added it to my wishlist.

Full Credits

Full Credits

And here is my long to do list for the weekend:

  • Upload new CT layouts
  • Choose fixtures and furniture for our new bathroom (we are beginning renovations soon - eeck!)
  • Decide what I am going to cook for dinner tonight since we are having friends over.
  • Create a blog header
  • Shop at Lisa Whitney's 50% off sale at Scrapartist
  • Shop at Jen Wilson Designs for the Accessories to go with the Papers she has been teasing us with all week.

So that's about it.

Until next time

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Retail Therapy

So I am having one of those days where I just do not want to be at work. You see, I don't work Wednesdays and I feel sometimes like people take advantage of that and throw things my way when I am not around to say no. So I am generally just feeling grumpy. Every email I open is like adding fuel to the fire. And it's not even 9:30.

So what do I do when I am feeling this way? Well, I go shopping of course. :) Thankfully my CTs make this a little easier (and cheaper) but I am always a sucker for new releases from my favourite designers.

I love Jen Wilson's new ATTIRE line and have been eyeing the papers she has been realeasing on a daily basis. They are on sale for 15% off for the first day but I think I will wait until the end of the week and choose the ones I like best - will probably save me more than 15% in the long run. :). And I can't wait until the accessories are released on Saturday.

So far I really like these:

Tara Sroka has just released some new frames at MDM. They are really very cute and I hear there's more on the way. Holly started a thread asking what MDM customers wanted to see in terms of designs. I requested more frames and I have not been disappointed. Those ladys are quick!

Here are Tara's new frames (click on the image to go directly to her store). And while you're there - you can grab her huge Big Apple kit for 20% off.
And I just HAVE to get these from Holly. I have started my a wishlist and plan to use a little Holly discount that I have tucked away.

By the way, if you haven't checked out the subscriber section at MDM yet, you really should. It's just $5 to try it out for a month or you can subscibe for a full year for just $15. And believe me when I say that you pretty much get your $15 worth with what is up there right now. Very Cool. If you're still unsure, check out the sneak peak at the bottom of the MDM home page.

HUGE bargains to be had over at Design by Dani too. A bunch of stuff has been marked down by 50% before it goes forever.
Here's just a couple of things that are definitely worth picking up.

Oh - and something that I waiting for this weekend... Lisa Whitney is having a huge sale. I can't wait! Word is she is going to post some new stuff and it will all be 50% off. And to make it even better - my layout was chosen as the winner of the Guest Goddess scraplift at The Hub Scrapartist blog.
Other non-digi shopping today: Calico corners to choose fabric to get my couch re-upholstered (i have been meaning to do this for two years...) and maybe a trip to Trader Joes. Definitely something that requires me to leave the office for a while.

Well, I feel better already and so far I haven't spent a cent. :) Window shopping is apparently also great therapy. :)

Have a great day everyone.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My Very First Tag!

I must admit that it took me a VERY long time before I worked out what a tag was. I would read these blogs and then people would say "I was tagged" and then answer some seemingly random question or write a long list of things from out of the blue. Well thankfully I WAS aware of what a tag was when Tara sent one my way today.

The challenge is to list seven things people don't know about me. Since I'm a fairly open and honest person (actually I just talk WAY too much) I am having trouble remembering what I have shared with people and what I haven't. But since this is a new blog I will assume that most of you know very little about me... so here goes.
  • I lived in the same house from the age of 1 until I moved out at 23.
  • I have two younger brothers who both live in Australia. My son is (so far) the only grandchild.

  • My fingernails and toenails grow freakishly fast. I have to cut them at least once a week -usually more. (OK - that may have been TMI)

  • In just one year, I lived in Hawaii for seven months, saw the Kiluea Volcano in Hawaii, Universal Studios LA, Las Vegas, Memphis (including Graceland!), The Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, Yellowstone National Park and Mt. Rushmore. That was quite a year!
  • I am currently working on getting my US Citizenship (I will maintain my Aussie Citizenship too, of course).

  • My husband and I met while we were both teaching English in Japan - he also happens to be Japanese-American.
  • My favourite movie of all time is When Harry Met Sally - and that hasn't changed since I first saw it at least 15 years ago.

So there you have it. I will tag everyone who happens to read this post on my blog - which is probably not many people if you cancel out everyone who has already been tagged by Tara. :)

And, in closing, a quick LO. I actually wrote the journaling for this first which is unusual. I usually scrap first and journal later, but this time I had to just share what was in my head. Oh, and I haven't worked out how to add a border to pictures in blogger so click on the link below if you want to see how it's really supposed to look.

My Dream: That you will grow up to be a very successful baseball player.. Does that make me a bad parent? It's a lot safer than football and more exciting than golf (your father's dream). And you are already showing some talent and interest at just 21 months... OK, it's mainly so that I can retire early and what's so bad about that? If Mama's happy, everybody's happy right? But really... No pressure. K?

Full Credits Here

Thanks for stopping by


Monday, June 18, 2007

A quick one before I get back to work

I created this layout for the quote challenge at My Digital Muse. I just love quote challenges because they inspire the topic for my page. What I love about this one is that I was just going to do a page about my son collecting rocks, but then the quote about purpose made me think about how he is really on a mission to discover the perfect rock.

Full Credits here

Thanks for stopping by


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Dad's Day and CT Goodness

Happy Father's day to my my dear husband. Father's day is not until September in Australia so I will save good wishes for my Dad until then (although I already send him good wishes daily). Nothing major to report on this Father's day in the Ishida household. Of course Daddy was allowed to sleep in and then do whatever he wanted for the rest of the day... which meant lying around watching golf. Each to his own I guess. Dinner was BBQ Ribs (takeout of course).

What, no present? Of course there was, but it came about two weeks early when a Nintendo Wii finally became available at our local Fred Meyer store. Since then he has had hours to enjoy his gift - and taken full advantage. Good thing we are out of TV ratings season otherwise I think there may have been a few arguments. I have to say though that the Tennis is really fun (with your's truly the reigning champion) and I am also quite good at bowling. Baseball is another story...

So as a final gift on Father's day I have promised to stop scrapping and play a game on the Wii. Best finish up soon or I will be breaking my promise.

But before I go, I quickly want to share my first LO as a member of Dani Mogstad's CT. I have been reading the latest Simple Scrapbooks Mag and was inspired to create a graphic layout.

Everything is from Dani's Spring Chick kit (a collab with Miss Huni Buni). This kit is retiring and 55% off right now at the Sweet Shoppe (just $3.15!). I just love the pretty colours that are good for Boys and Girls.

Thanks for dropping by

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Big News!

Finally, some news I have been dying to share. This may give you a clue...


Almost everything in this layout was designed by the fabulously talented Dani Mogstad and.... drum roll please... I have been chose as a Dani's Girl for the next six months. Yay me! I have to keep checking her blog to make sure it's really true.

I can't believe it actually. At the beginning of the year I was thinking that I would never have the opportunity to be on a Creative Team and now I am on three that I just love. And I have the opoortunity to design for a group of great designers.

I feel fortunate to have the best setup possible. First of all, I have a great online digi site that I can call home (My Digital Muse) with fabulous designers that gives me some great variety every month. Then I had the opportunity to create for a great up and coming designer (Tara) which means I can get in on the ground floor and really help her get started. And NOW I have a chance to work with one of the designers whose stuff I have admired for quite some time. It just doesn't get much better than that.

But that is definitely it. I promised myself that I would only work with products that I am passionate about and have the time to promote. It just wouldn't be fair to the designers (or my family) if I took on more than I can handle. I have seen some scrappers with 8 or 10 blinkies and I frankly don't know how they do it. And scrapping for myself is too important to sacrifice in the name of free kits. I still have to make time for that.

So to end this post, I will show the other two layouts (in addition to the one above) that I used in my CT application. They don't use Dani's products but I was hoping they would show my versatility.


Until Next Time


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Robbie Rocks my World

I am sad to say that few people here in the US understand my obsession with Robbie Williams. I have been in love with this man from afar from the first time I saw him singing Rock DJ while he took off his clothes - I mean, this man has talent! Sadly though, I have never seen him live. Our schedules just never synched. He held concerts in Australia right after I moved to the states and then I just missed him again when I went home for a visit a couple of years ago. I know he is just as devastated as I am. :)

If you have not had the pleasure of experiencing Robbie for yourself, I encourage you to listen to one of my favourite Robbie Tunes, Love Supreme. The video is actually very cool too.

So why my Robbie rant this morning? Well, Tara has a Scrap Outside the Box challenge at My Digital Muse that asks "Who Rocks Your World?" Of course I didn't think twice and created an homage to the only man who could steal me away from my husband (sorry honey, but you know it's true ;)).


Who knows, maybe this post will bring out some closeted Robbie Fans in the Digi scrapping world. And, if you're American, maybe we could band together to convince Robbie to release his albums in the states again. Paying import prices to enjoy my little bit of Robbie is not good for the bank account.

If you're still on the fence about joining the challenge, see below for inspiration from others on the CT - and remember there's an MDM gift certificate up for grabs. Plus Extra kudos from me if you submit a Robbie inspired layout. I know there are other Robbie-holics out there... come on... don't be shy. :)

Until next time


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A day with my boy

Wednesday is my day off work (I work 4 x 10 hour days for my full time job) which means Thomas and I get to hang out together, just the two of us. I love my Wednesdays wit Thomas when we get to send this special time together - even if it is a little exhausting by the end of the day. But I do look forwardto naptime when I can catch up on my favourite blogs, scrap a little and check my personal email.

Today's email check had me jumping for joy for many reasons (don't you just love great email days). Here's a short list of things in my email today that have me excited:
  • Today is $2 Wednesday at My Digital Muse. Some great stuff for sale at just $2. I already picked up this little treasure from Lolo Designs (and it's new!) and I am going back for more.
  • This weekend is grab bag weekend so more $2 goodness. I just LOVE these weekends (although my bank account does not). And Tara Sroka is having her very first grab bag. I am so looking forward to seeing what is inside and the 50th person to buy receives her Big Apple kit for free.

  • Summer is here and that means zoo concerts in Portland. We are trying to decide whether we should see The Wailers or Los Lobos. Watever we decide it should be loads of fun!
  • Nordstrom is having their Clinique Gift event - gotta go by and pick up some goods to get the gift. Love Clinique gift time.
  • And the BIG ONE... But I can't tell you about it yet... Just let me say that I was VERY excited to see this email in my inbox today. :)

So until next time (when I can hopefully share the big news).


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Feeling the Baby Itch

A quick post for the seemingly numerous people who have told me they're preganant in the last couple of weeks. I think it's about time for us to start trying, but...must...wait. Too much going on right now, although Thomas shows definite signs of needing a sibling.

Anyway, here's to the friends who are already starting the journey with baby #1 or 2 or 3 or, in the case of my CT pal Elizabeth,... 4!!!

Created with one of Tara Sroka's gorgeous card templates. Full credits here.

Thanks for stopping by


Saturday, June 9, 2007

MDM is Buzzing!

There are so many fun things going on - to many to contests to list them all here and practically every designer is having some type of sale.

Here rea couple of layouts that I posted today. One is for the Muse of the Month scraplift and the other is for Tara Sroka's CT using those velvet grunge papers.


Thanks for stopping by


Friday, June 8, 2007

Quick Work Vent and MDM News

Hi there,
It's Friday (yippee) and I just can't wait until this week is over. Having some trouble communicating with people in my company. Ironic because I am officially a "Communications Specialist". What is that you say? Who knows really. All I do know is that people in my company are supposed to come to me for guidance and counsel on how best to share their message internally. The problem is when no one listens and they decide to go and do their own thing anyway. So my Friday has gotten off to a bumpy start. Nothing like burning a few bridges before week's end. :)

For the good news portion of this post - Saturday marks the grand re-opening at My Digital Muse. The site is closed right now for renovations but on Saturday it will reopen with a new look, tons of new products and some fantastic activities where we have great prizes up for grabs.

Tara is having a promotion where you can get her newest kit for free if you spend just $15 on her store. The kit is called the Big Apple mega kit and is stuffed with papers (16!) and elements (over 50!).

Here's a layout I created with the kit. And you can see some from other CT members on her blog, showing just how versatile this kit is.
Here's a preview for the entire kit. Click on the image to go straight to Tara's store - but remember that the link won't work until Saturday. :)

Did I mention the cool activities that will be underway all weekend? There's so much great stuff up for grabs so don't miss it!

Thanks for dropping by.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

What's your scrap style?

I was recently accepted as a member of Tara Sroka's creative team (which is awesome by the way) and as part of the application process she asked me two questions that got me thinking:

1. What is your scrapping style?

2. Who are your favourite scrappers?

It made me start thinking about my scrapping style and this very quick journey that I have taken as a digiscrapper. I only started about 12 months ago and I feel like my style and my tastes have gone through so many changes since I began that I found it difficult to answer Tara's question. I also thought about how I have posted four blog entries so far and haven't really said anything about myself so I guess this is a good start.

I see myself as a simple scrapper - not big on (and not comfortable with) loads of embellishments. I am in awe of scrappers who are able to create beautiful pages with dozens of embellishments, all from different designer, yet all working so beautifully together without taking away from the photo.
My early inspiration was Cathy Zielske's Clean and Simple Book 1 and the sequel. I love that the photos take center stage with a focus on graphic design and I am most comfortable when my photos are aligned to the page.

My focus has been shifting however, and I find myself using more embellishments on pages - although still very sparse. I'm not sure if this is because I am on a couple of CTs and want to really show off the product, or if I just feel the need to create a more 3D look to my pages.

So in just over 12 months my pages have gone from this...
To more and more of this..

Although I am still more comfortable with the less is more approach I think I'm branching out. :)

As for favourite scrappers, there are so many layouts in the community that I am inspired by but I would have to say that some of people I return to time and again for inspiration are:

  • Peta (Little Possum): Her style changes so much and I love that she is so versatile and honest with her pages. I never know what to expect (plus she's an Aussie and was one of the first people to post on my blog - but that didn't sway me - she was already on the list for my CT application.. promise :))
  • Jodie Davidson: Another Aussie (I see a pattern), but I love her for the exact opposite reason to Peta. She is so comfortable and confident in her less is more style and her pages are always so beautiful.
  • Dani Mogstad: Love, Love, Love her pages. The shapes and colors that she uses are all quite unexpected but work so well together. She is an example of one of those scrappers who uses a whole bunch of elements but the page never looks overcrowded. Her designs are also amazing (fingers crossed for my CT application)
  • Nancy Comelab: Amazing designer AND scrapper. Love the layered graphic effect to her pages. (and lives in Australia!)

And of course there are so many more. Just look at the list of blogs I read daily - so much inspiration on that list.

I may have to think about my favourite designers next. This has been very therapeutic.

Thanks for reading


It's time for a Challenge

My June Photography challenge starts today at My Digital Muse. It's easy! Take a photo around the subject of WATER and post to the gallery - then you could win a $5 GC from one of the designers. I believe this could be the easiest challenge... ever!

And remember, the store closes tomorrow for updates but will be open again on Friday for the grand re-opening. And while the site is closed you can occupy yourself taking photos for my challenge! Click on the picture to go directly to the challenge thread in the forums.

Well best get back to the housework. Wednesday is my day off work and Thomas is sleeping so have to make the most of it while I can... or I could scrap... Decisions, decisions. :)

And for my photo of the day... this one has attitude.

Thanks for dropping by.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Busy Day

I have one of those days ahead of me - you know the days filled with meetings where you wonder how you are going to leave for five minutes to grab lunch? Yes, back to back meetings today and no time to do any actual work. I hate days like this but I am powering through... :)

But I do have a minute to post a couple of quick layouts. Tara Sroka is going to release some really pretty papers soon called Velvet Grunge. They come in beautiful colors and this green one caught my eye immediately.

I also created this layout with the MDM signature kit that will be available during their massive relaunch party this weekend. This kit is AMAZING. My layout below is only a sampling of what you will get. Some of the other team members have been posting layouts as well so make sure you check out the gallery.

Until next time


Monday, June 4, 2007

Anyone out there?

I decided to join the digiscrapping blog world. Yippee! Who knows if anyone will read this but hopefully I will get a hit every now and then if only to maintain some dignity.

So why a Scrapping blog? I already have a personal family blog ( but since my family doesn't really understand or care about my scrapping addiction, I thought I would start a special space on the web where I can talk digi scrapping to my heart's content.

So let's start with some exciting events happening this week...

My Digital Muse is having a huge Relaunch party. Make sure you grab the special relaunch kit and don't forget to sign up for the Yahoo groups newsletter for a special free kit from Holly McCaig. It won't be available anywhere else.

I also joined the CT for Tara Sroka - a fabulous new designer with some really unique products already for sale in the MDM store - with more on the way. She has a fantastic sale going on for the next couple of days where you can buy her entire store for just $20. Trust me, that is a bargain! Just click on the image below to go straight to her store.

So that's about it for my first post but there is so much going on in the next few days that I am sure to update soon. Stay tuned for my new Photography Challenge which starts on Wednesday (June 6th). There's a Gift Certificate from one of the MDM designers up for grabs.

And to finish my very last post, a photograph that just makes me smile. (You didn't think I could close without ONE mention of my baby did you? :))

Thanks for reading