Friday, June 8, 2007

Quick Work Vent and MDM News

Hi there,
It's Friday (yippee) and I just can't wait until this week is over. Having some trouble communicating with people in my company. Ironic because I am officially a "Communications Specialist". What is that you say? Who knows really. All I do know is that people in my company are supposed to come to me for guidance and counsel on how best to share their message internally. The problem is when no one listens and they decide to go and do their own thing anyway. So my Friday has gotten off to a bumpy start. Nothing like burning a few bridges before week's end. :)

For the good news portion of this post - Saturday marks the grand re-opening at My Digital Muse. The site is closed right now for renovations but on Saturday it will reopen with a new look, tons of new products and some fantastic activities where we have great prizes up for grabs.

Tara is having a promotion where you can get her newest kit for free if you spend just $15 on her store. The kit is called the Big Apple mega kit and is stuffed with papers (16!) and elements (over 50!).

Here's a layout I created with the kit. And you can see some from other CT members on her blog, showing just how versatile this kit is.
Here's a preview for the entire kit. Click on the image to go straight to Tara's store - but remember that the link won't work until Saturday. :)

Did I mention the cool activities that will be underway all weekend? There's so much great stuff up for grabs so don't miss it!

Thanks for dropping by.


1 comment:

Tara Sroka said...

Thanks for posting all my goodies!