Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A Meaningful Pic.

Nancy Comelab's blog has been hijacked by her creative team and they are running some fun challenges for a few weeks. My goal is to complete all of the challenges - the prize is good but most of all because it gets me thinking and creating. I didn't understand the whole challenge phenomenon before I joined a few CTs. Now I realise how helpful they are to get the creative juices flowing - especially when you think you've used every last good photo in your stash.

So... should I get to the point? This week's challenge is to post a photo of a meaningful place or moment - trying not to include any people (at least as the focal point) and using one of Nancy's frames. Here is mine.

Tape is from the MDM Junk Trunk Collab kit and the pinned tag is by Holly McCaig, also from MDM.

I took this photo in October of '06. Mt St. Helens had just reopened after a period of closure due to some rumblings. But as you can see from the photo, it was still smoking a little. We were so fortunate to have a beautiful clear day in the NW and even more fortunate because my parents were visiting from Australia.

In the information center, they show a video presentation all about the big eruption that flattened the landscape about 25 years ago. When the video is finished, the screen lifts and this is the view through the window - just amazing. I waited until almost everyone had left the theatre to take this photo. One of the few times that I have had the patience to wait. Usually I just point and shoot. As you can see though, not quite everyone had left but I think the sillouettes add to the shot.

One more memory from that day... My father was very interested in the constrcution of the information center and convinced that it was built to withstand another eruption. I admit, it looked impressive but I wasn't convinced that we would survive an eruption being this close to the volcano. Sure enough, we were told by a park ranger that we would in fact die - albeit very quickly - should the volcano choose to put on a big show. Not really informaton I needed to know.

So there's my story. Thanks for stopping by to read it. :)

And one more thing before I go... run on over to My Digital Muse and check out the $2 Wednesday --- Tara's awesome new Rock Star Kit is just $2 - fantastic value! Click on the preview to go directly to her store.

Until next time


Kelly said...

Awesome picture!

Kerri said...

Wow! Love that picture! I agree, the silhouettes add to the pic. Great story!

Becky (Daisyduster) said...

This is SUCH a great shot! I've always wanted to go there...I live above Seattle.
It actually blew on my parents anniversary, and I remember there being layers and layers of ash everywhere. (We lived about an hour away at the time)
Fabulous entry!