Monday, January 21, 2008

Moving Day...

I have finally decided to move my blog to wordpress. Blogger was just getting too painful and I have my family blog on wordpress so why not?

You can visit my new blog (with the same old stuff) here .

Hope to see you over there.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

P365 Day 20 - Jan 20th 2008

A visit to Storables today. We are trying to get organized so it feels like we are here every week. This week - hardware to fit out the closet in the playroom. It is going to be Thomas' bedroom while they tear the roof off our house so it's important that I can actually reach the rod to hang his clothes.

I was actually trying to keep THomas out of the shot but it looks so much better with him running by. He spent most of his time in the store trying to hide from us.

This next photo was Kei's idea. A rare family portrait thanks to a clear window reflection.

P365 Day 19- Jan 19th 2008

View from the top. This is as much as I can see of my feet right now. In fact it may be less. I think I leaned back a little to actully get my feet in the photo.

I also asked Kei to take a photo from the side so beware... gratuitous belly shot ahead. A full 22 weeks worth.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

P365 Day 18- Jan 18th 2008

Took this without flash or tripod but I think it looks kinda cool and artsy. :) Kei is getting a little embarrased by me taking photos in strange places but I told him I want to document our lives with this project which means taking photos that show what we do each day. Juno was a great movie by the way. Quirky and fun and interesting. Of course many parts made me cry and rub my belly. A movie like this provides a unique perspective when you're pregnant.

P365 Day 17 - Jan 17th 2008

Big Owie right between the eyes. Thomas was standing on a round bolster cushion on the floor and of course slipped and fell. But not on the floor - on his wooden toy train. It was a little scray actually. He had that silent cry where he didn't even take a breath for a few seconds. Then the screaming started and even mummy's magic kisses couldn't make it better immediately.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Baby Love

I have been creating quite few LOs featuring child yet to be named (Peanut) lately. This is a new thing for me because I didn't actually start digi scrapping until Thomas was about six months old. It is so nice to be able to document this time in my life and, with Thomas around, I can scrap more than just belly pics.

I created this LO for the Hump Day lift challenge on the Lauren Reid CT blog. There's still plenty of time to enter for a chance to win a GC to Lauren's store and such a great LO for inspiration this week.

I always struggle with ultrasound LOs but I think this one turned out nicely. Click on image for full credits and journaling.

This is one of my P365 pics. I am so glad I captured this moment because Thomas loves giving his baby brother hugs and kisses. I LOVE the color of this background paper from Tara's new Love Muffin Kit. There are so many different colors of red and I struggle to find the right one, but this one is perfect! Look for loads more pages using this color. :) And how many times have I used that alpha by Dani Mogstad now? I'm just saying....

So that's about it for today. My P365 pic from yesterday is still in my camera so will have to wait. Oh, and tonight is date night. Thomas' daycare extends hours every once in a while on a Friday night so we have until 10:30! I think we're going to see Juno and have a full dinner at a nice restaurant without having to manage a toddler. Can't wait!

Back soon

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Big News

I am going to be published! One of my LOs is going to be included in the June/July issue of Digital Scrapbooks Mag. I have been submitting for a while now so it's wonderful to finally be able to see one of my pages in print.

Oh... and they pay! Excuse my ignorance but until one of my online buddies mentioned that they other day I really had o idea that there was money to be made. Not a lot, but anything I can earn to supplement my upcoming maternity leave is welcome. :)

Until next time

P365 Day 16 - Jan 16th 2008

Prince of the playground. Who knew the mall playground could be so much fun?

P365 Day 15 - Jan 15th 2008

Not a great photo - but a great memory. Thomas and Kei clowning around. I love these like father, like son moments.

Monday, January 14, 2008

...and I've been scrapping

I have actually been feeling pretty creative. Not sure if it's all the photos I have been taking or the fact that this baby has stopped sucking my mojo. Here are a couple with some Lauren Goodies and fonts from Darci Baldwin. Don't think I ever mentioned that I am guesting on her CT this month. It's so much fun being on a font CT and Darci's fonts are fabulous.

Click on images to see full credits.

Speaking of baby, I have been feeling him move around quite a bit lately. I have that feeling of butterflies in my stomach while I am relaxing watching TV or sitting at my desk at work. It's a nice feeling and makes me feel a little more connected to this baby. It's easy to forget I am pregnant with all the craziness of work and running after a toddler the rest of the time.

Don't think I'll ever get over the weirdness of having a live human being inside my body. Seriously - think about how strange that is.
Thanks for dropping by

P365 Day 14 - Jan 14th 2008

This pic is for my brother. We were instant messaging on google when I remembered I had to take my photo for the day. The calendar of Japanese prints was a gift from Ben and his girlfriend Emma for Christmas. I used Traci Murphy's photo overlays to funk it up a little.

P365 Day 13 - Jan 13th 2008

Out and about on Sunday. Poor Thomas has not been outside a lot lately because the weather has just been too horrible. The rain stopped for a day in Portland and we decided to go for a quick walk. So our family trip consisted of lunch at Burgerville (LOVE Burgerville) and a walk around a seedy neighbourhood. This shot was taken in front of a weird mural on the wall of an events center - complete with weird tree/rock display thing. Jealous? :)

Must be a slow news day in Australia

Parents not happy, son not repentant

Oh, and this is post #100 - yay me!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

P365 Day 12 - Jan 12th 2008

Giving Peanut (i.e. Child yet to be named) a hug. Thomas already loves his baby brother and it is so sweet. He likes to give Peanut kisses and hugs and talks to him in a little baby voice.

P365 Day 11 - Jan 11th 2008

P365 Day 10 - Jan 10th 2008

Not sure what it is with lining up the ducks...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

P365 Day 9 - Jan 9th 2008

OK, so I realize this is becoming the 366 days of Thomas. Don't worry, that will change in May and become the 366 days of Thomas and (child yet to be named).

PS. Thanks Mr Trader Joe's checkout guy for the fun prop. :)

P365 Day 8 - Jan 8th 2008

Enjoying a little light reading over breakfast.

P365 Day 7 - Jan 7th 2008

Yes, that is Kei's hat on top of Thomas' cap. He calls it his cowboy hat.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Drum Roll Please

20 week prenatal appointment. The big one...

The baby is healthy, growing properly with no signs of any problems.

Before I share the BIG news, some new pics of our little peanut.

Profile. That's the little hand in front with a little thumb sticking out.

Close up of the face

A teeny tiny little foot






And there is absolutely no doubting it. I saw the evidence many many times.

And yes, I have come to terms with the fact that my life will from now on be filled with dirt and mud and general craziness. :)

I think he already looks like Thomas. Take another look at the first photo - same nose and chin. :)

So there you have it. Baby Boy Ishida #2 is on his way. Now if we can only agree on a name... Suggestions welcome.


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Follically Challenged

I have been meaning to scrap a page about this for a long time. At two years and four months old, Thomas is yet to have a haircut. Apparently I was a bald baby until 12 months of age so I guess that's where he gets it from - definitely not from the Japanese side of the family. He is just starting to get bed head.

The funny thing is that his hair is growing in suprisingly evenly. No long tufts anywhere. In fact he looks like he's had a buzz cut. The good thing is that we have never had to spend a cent on haircuts.

Click on image for full journaling and credits.

Tomorrow is Monday and my first full week of work for some time. Wish me luck!


P365 Day 6 - Jan 6th 2008

I asked Thomas to come over to the window for a shot with natural light. It is so much fun now that he actually asks me to take his photo. We just have to work on his "cheese" face.

P365 Day 5 - Jan 5th, 2008

Thomas and a friend having fun at the playground during our monthly baby group get together. I still catch up with some of the people from the Baby and Me group that I started going to when Thomas was just 3 weeks old. That group was a lifesaver when I was a first time mum, having trouble with nursing and sleeping. It was the one safe place where I could go and be comfortable admitting my mistakes and ask questions with other women going through the same experiences. More than two years later I still love catching up with the same mothers and babies on a regular basis.

Friday, January 4, 2008

P365 Day 4 - Jan 4th, 2008

Ducks in a row

P365 Day 3 - Jan 3rd, 2008

Thomas chilling out during Curious George with his trusty "feathersword" - that's what he calls a tissue he carries around all day. Until it rips ad then he is in search of a new one. We have been through so many tissues this way and find them all over the house. And, yes, we have tried to break the habit with substitute items (white handkerchiefs, a Feather duster) but no luck so far.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

These Rule

Good morning everyone! My first day back at work today - Yuck. It's appropriate that the weather is miserable and cold but luckily I have some flourescent lighting to brighten up my desk. (LOL)

I already need a distration from the 1300 emails in my mailbox (and that's no joke) so I thought I'd post a couple of new LOs with some fabulous Lauren goodies. She has some wonderful new ruled Alphas, Shapes and Big Ol' Brackets that have so much texture and are just a little bit wonky - the way I like 'em. Also check out the new Country Club Reject papers. You can find them all in her OScraps store here.

Here are the fun - and bright - LOs I created with these products. Click on the images to see a closer look and full credits.

Big day tomorrow - I have a doctor's appointment and if all goes well I will find out whether I am carrying a he or a she. Let the naming wars begin. :)

Until next time

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

P365 Day 2 - Jan 2nd 2008

Thomas and his toy of the moment - A Little People barn complete with a barn, animals and animal sounds. His favourite unofficial Xmas present and the best thing we have bought for him in a long time. Seriously - he has spent hours playing with this thing and it so much fun to observe his imagination in action.

P365 Day 1 - Jan 1st 2008

First day of January. Photo taken outside local cafe "Muddy's" after a family Brunch.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

One Word for 2008

I want to post this on the first day of the year so have not had time to create a LO to make it all pretty. I was inspired by this post on Ali Edward's blog to choose one word for 2008.

My word for this year is IMMERSION. I feel as though I spent a large part of 2007 being distracted and focusing on too many things at once. This year I want to make sure I immerse myself in what is most important at that very moment.

I think it's going to be tough to live up to - I am expecting my second child in May, starting major renovations on our house in January and it looks like a busy year at work.

I am determined though to make sure that when I am with my family, I am really WITH my family. I am going to take more photos (OK that won't be hard :)) and write down more observations about our everyday lives.

A few definitions of Immersion:
* state of being deeply engaged or involved; absorption.
* concentrating on one course of instruction, subject, or project to the exclusion of all others
* complete attention; intense mental effort

So that's it. Rather than a New Year's resolution, I have a word. :)

One other thing I am going to try and do (and part of the whole immersion theme) is to take at least one photo each day. Not sure how that is going to go - especially in the middle of winter when my entire day before and after work is in darkness - but I am going to try. You can read more about Project 365 (the inspiration) here.

I did take a photo today but haven't had a chance to get it off the computer yet. will probably post a few at a time rather than one a day.

Happy New Year everyone.