Monday, January 14, 2008

...and I've been scrapping

I have actually been feeling pretty creative. Not sure if it's all the photos I have been taking or the fact that this baby has stopped sucking my mojo. Here are a couple with some Lauren Goodies and fonts from Darci Baldwin. Don't think I ever mentioned that I am guesting on her CT this month. It's so much fun being on a font CT and Darci's fonts are fabulous.

Click on images to see full credits.

Speaking of baby, I have been feeling him move around quite a bit lately. I have that feeling of butterflies in my stomach while I am relaxing watching TV or sitting at my desk at work. It's a nice feeling and makes me feel a little more connected to this baby. It's easy to forget I am pregnant with all the craziness of work and running after a toddler the rest of the time.

Don't think I'll ever get over the weirdness of having a live human being inside my body. Seriously - think about how strange that is.
Thanks for dropping by

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