Thursday, October 11, 2007

I should just read other blogs

I really need a lift this week and I think I found it thanks to others in the digi world.

Jodie's post about being a mother made me cry - in a good way.

And it seems Jessica Sprague is going through her own scrapping crisis. Sometimes it's good to be reminded that you need balance. I could have easily written the following sentence, I just didn't realize it what the problem was.

"Lately I’ve been feeling a little kind of scraped-out. Like there isn’t that much left of me to give. I don’t know if this feeling is exhaustion or burnout or just a mood-swing, or one of the ebbs and flows of life and creativity. One thing I do see clearly now, that I need to do better, is to take time for important things. I see now that part of this murky sort of “something’s wrong” feeling is that I’m unbalanced in the way I’ve been living."

This weekend I am getting back on track - with my life, with scrapping, with everyothing. I have a Lauren Reid raklift to do which is very important to me, a ew LO for Stand up and Scrap and a new Nancy LO. I need some scrapping therapy. :)

And here's a pic - just 'cause. Why do I need a reason? :) - I mean, it's not even edited, eeeck!

Have a great day


1 comment:

Jodie said...

Oh balance, that is the hardest thing to achieve :) Didn;t mean to make you cry.