Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Reason...

...I have been moody

...I have been tired

...I have been going to bed at 9pm every night

...I have been slacking on my blog posts

...I have been almost absent from my CT boards

...I have not been scrapping

...I have NOT been wanting to pick up my computer outside of work (actually not even AT work)

...My pants are too tight

...I can concentrate on less than one thing at a time

All because of this...

Who would have thought something so small could have such a big impact and (gasp!) stop me from wanting to scrap!

Yes, Baby number two is on his or her way on or around May 23rd of next year. The plan was to start trying in Agust. Seems when I plan something I REALLY like to stick with my plan. :)

So there's my excuse - and I have a full seven months left to use it so be prepared.



Jodie said...


Peta said...

YAYAYAY - Super excited for you hun :D hehe.