Monday, October 29, 2007

A Little Pumpkin Picking

We finally had some nice Autumn weather in Portland over the weekend - and we made the most of it with our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch with some friends. Pumpkin picking is a relatively new tradition for me. Not a lot of pumkins in Australia in October and the whole Fall/Halloween frenzy is a little different here is the States - OK, a LOT different. I have really come to enjoy this annual tradition though and each year Thomas is able to appreciate it a little more. And, let's face it - plenty of great photo opps.

We are a little late in the season for pumpkins this year The best ones have already been picked and we found ourselves walking through a sad graveyard of decaying pumpkin flesh and dead vines. The good news is that the weather was great and we got to see some farm animals and take a trip on a hay ride. I think we’ll be aiming to take the pumpkin trip earlier in the season next year though.

Here are some favourite pics from the day (unedited and please ignore the runny nose - we were short on tissues, ugh!)

And a couple more favs from the park. We definitely made the most of the sunshine this weekend.

Oh, and I finished my final LO for Stand up and Scrap. What a relief! I really like my final LO but to be honest I don't really feel like I got a lot out of the contest. I didn't feel like I could really scrap about the things I love to scrap - everyday life. I felt I had to delve much deeper to create something truly "memorable", well in the judges eyes anyway. It just felt a little forced. This is the first big contest I have entered and I did learn a lot about why I scrap for myself. Not sure how many of my LOs will actually end up in an album...

I have been feeling a little creativity coming back though so that's the good news. I think the great weather has helped and I only have 1.5 weeks until I am in my second trimester when everything is supposed to magically change. Right? :)

Well, best get some work done. TTFN (Ta ta for now).

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