Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Live from Oz

We made it safely to Melbourne with only a minor meltdown as we passed through customs (Thomas, not me). Thomas was so great on the plane. He slept for eight hours, watched DVDs for two and happily played for the rest. It was only in the last couple of hours that he put on his backpack, grabbed his blanket and proceeded towards the exit doors. I don't blame him though. I was ready to disembark 12 hours into the flight as well.
I will never fly with a US airline again - at least not to Australia. We came over with United last time (two years ago) and this trip with Qantas was like night and day. They are just so much more thoughtful and understanding, which is what you want when you are traveling alone with a toddler. They also provide you with a menu that outlines exactly what AND when you will be eating. I will overlook the fact that the on-demand video system wasn't working. But a minor hiccup in the scheme of things.

So now that my Qantas commercial is over, I am able to share some photos. For the first few days we spent a lot of time catching up with friends and family in Melbourne, but then we traveled up to Yarrawonga where my parents live to really relax. Thomas is loving the wide open spaces - including the opportunity to get up close and personal with some Aussie animals courtesy of a local animal park. I was born and raised an Aussie and even I have not had the opportunity to experience feeding a joey before. Simply amazing.

I don't have much time to post tonight because... well it's freezing in my Dad's study (seriously - turn on the heat Dad!) and the connection is sooooo slow. I'll be back to post some more soon and can't wait to get home to muy husband and back to scrapping.

More soon.


Cathy Pascual said...

cute pics nicole!!!!

Peta said...

ohh love the photos Nicole!!! :) and great to hear about qantus being a great experience!