Wednesday, August 1, 2007


It's a scrapping frenzy! The start of the month means a new Muse Journal, which also means I can now share a whole bunch of LOs that I have been working on. Oh, and make sure you pick up the Journal. It has a some really interesting articles from the team and a free kit from Tara that rocks!

This one is for the Muse of the Month scraplift. I had the pleasure of lifting one of Dani's layouts - no easy task but a lot of fun.


This one is for Tiff's Multi-Photo template challenge which starts today. Fabulous template!


And last, but not least, a LO using Tara's free kit. She also has a lot of new products in the store that coordinate with the kit so make sure you check those out too.


Note: Credits today are all linked to the MDM store. It's DST's 1st birthday and the site is painfully slow today.

Oh, and I did some shopping late last night - if you are not aware, Jen Wilson is selling almost a;; of her element packs for $1 each! I picked up about 12. :) And Little Dreamer has a grab bag that combines products from all of the designers. The contents definitely did not disappoint. :)

Next on the list of things to do

  • Finalize September Muse article
  • LO for Tara's CT
  • MDM CT Layouts
  • Photo for MDM photo challenge (I am not hosting this month due to travel plans but I will contribute a pic)
  • Nancy Comelab blog challenge
  • LDD Blog Challenge with Grab bag items
  • JWD Attire Challenge #4 (not posted yet but I am eagerly awaiting)

And all of this during a crazy week at work and right before I head to Australia - in just one week! Eeeeck!

Have a great day.


1 comment:

Peta said...

*covers eyes* I can't see that stuff about sales - no i can't hehe.

Love the Layouts Nicole - have to go check out your credits as I want to know what that 'cheese' is done in!