Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Scrapping Frenzy

I have been scrapping up a storm thanks to some contest deadlines. Jen Wilson decided to make it especially difficult for me by posting not one, but the final four challenges for her attire/accessorize line while I was away. Deadline was today and I was determined to get as many done as possible. I ran out of time for the final challenge but I did manage to get three done in the past couple of days. Click on images for full credits.

I also completed two challenges for Nancy Comelab. The first one is a week late but still counts towards the 20 challenges I am determined to complete. This one is a scraplift of Peta, one of Nancy's CT team members and a fellow Aussie.

This Nancy challenge is due tomorrow and was all all about monochromatic layouts while I find extremely difficult. I do love a little bit of accent colour but I think I pulled it off. :)

Anyway, that's it for now. Next up: CT layouts for Tara, MDM, Dani and an article for Lauren's newsletter. Phew!
Thanks for stopping by.

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