Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Recap

This year was a lot of fun - mainly because Thomas was really into the whole Santa thing. And he loves opening presents. I was talking to a friend of mine who said they had to keep stopping while opening the presents to give their son time to play with his toys for a little while. Not Thomas. he wanted to open them all first and then think about playing later. :)

I think the whole thing must have been way too exciting because Thomas decided not to take a nap at all - much to our dismay. I had this whole plan to cook dinner while he was napping but I suppose you can't really plan when you are relying on a toddler to stick to his routine.

We ended up eating dinner at around 5:30pm but we had been snacking on antipasto for the rest of the day. Kei and I have the same idea of what makes a holiday special - decadent food and not too much pressure. I cooked a Prime Rib roast for the very first time and have to say it was pretty darn good, even as left overs a couple of days later.

Thomas did quite well for christmas - a new bike with two wheels that doesn't have pedals. It's supposed to teach balance without training wheels. He hasn't quite warmed up to it yet but we plan to take it slow. He also got some books and a game called "Hullaballoo" from the people who make cranium. That one was for the whole family. We played it last night and it was loads of fun and also educational as it teaches colors and shapes AND makes the players move around the room. I also bought him a Fisher Price Little People set. Thomas loves the one at daycare and it's really fun to watch him using his imagination. In fact I went and bought him another set (a farm) that was on sale this morning. He loves it and it has kept him occupied for at least an hour. See? Everyone's a winner. :)

I did well also - lots of books (and a GC for more) so you can't beat that! I also got a monopod for my DSLR from my dear husband and photography book. I guess I have really icnreased the interest in photography over the last few months. The best thing is that it's a hobby the whole family can enjoy - that's my excuse anyway. :)

My mum and mother-in-law each received their Shutterfly books in plenty of time for Xmas and they both loved them. We haven't had much contact with my mother-in-law over the past few years (she lives in Japan) and she has never met her grandson so it nice to be able to share this with her. I think she was really touched.

So now onto the photos of our small family Xmas.

Presents under the tree - most are for Thomas.

Snacks for Santa - we only had baby carrots for the Reindeer but they didn't seem to mind.

Santa has been and left a large elephant sitting on a new bike for Thomas. Of course Thomas assumed the bike belonged to the elephant...

Opening presents


A few more days off work next week which is great. Kei is taking the whole week off to look after Thomas and I have Monday as a holiday. It will be so nice to spend some time together and refresh before we begin a very busy 2008.

Until next time

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