Friday, September 14, 2007

The big day has arrived!

My camera is coming today - whoo hoo! I usually work from home on Fridays but since I am having the camera delivered to the office I just HAD to come in so I could take it home and start playing. It feels like Christmas.

It's also grab bag weekend at MDM so maybe it IS christmas. :)

We are having Thomas' birthday party this weekend and the weather is looking a little dodgy. I certainly hope it clears up so we can enjoy our time at our UNCOVERED picnic area at the park. It's close to home so our house is the backup venue, but I paid to reserve space at the park so I hope we can have it there.

Is this bad? I had someone come in to clean my house on Wednesday. I always feel so guilty especially because Wednesday is my day off and I did spend sopme time sitting on the couch while she cleaned. Oh, and I forgot to give her a tip -ooops! It just doesn't cross my mind. You don't tip very often in Australia and it's certainly not expected so sometimes I forget. I don't think she did a great job anyway. I am still finding things that she didn't even touch - like the windowsils in the kitchen. Next time I'll just clean myslef when I can find a spare 5 hours...

Wow, this is a boring post. :) Best finish it off with a couple of layouts. Click on the image for credits.

This one is for current lifts with a twist challenge. The original is by Davita who is on Lauren's CT. For a little background: Thomas was given this necklace as a present at his friend Riley's (he calls it his "Birthday Present"). He wouldn't take it off for about a week. Then he found a headband of mine, took of his shirt and this was the result.

This one is for the MDM SOTB challenge - to scrap a new place in your hometown. Somewhere you have been meaning to visit for some time.

Well, that's all folks. have a great weekend.


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