Monday, September 17, 2007

Good News and Bad News

The Bad News
I finally received my brand new Canon Digital Rebel XTi and I LOVE it. But there is a problem. The camera arrived on Friday so I ran out right away and bought a SanDisc 4gb CF card so I could use the camera right away. I made sure I did my research about the right card and read many sites that said the Extreme II was a good card for personal use.

On Friday afternoon I played around with the camera and it was working beautifully. On Saturday I had my son's 2nd B'day party and, when I reviewed the pics on Saturday night I was so happy with the results.

Then I went out on Sunday and took some more pics at a local fountain with my boys. When I tried to review the files that I had just taken I got an "Image Corrupted" message. I looked throught he rest of the pics and about 50% of them were missing - including a whole bunch from my son's birthday party.

I am devastated. I have since read some reviews on Amazon that mention a bad batch of this type of CF card. I found a card reader at work and I am going to try and recover some of the files tonight. I hope I can get some more of them back because there were some of Thomas eating cake that were so precious.

So far SanDisk hasn't been very helpful. They sent me an email with a list of "why this may be user error" responses which just made me mad. I am going to try some of their suggestions tomorrow and then send them a nasty message.

I can't believe it - I have had my camera for two days!!! Anyway, apologies for the long whiny post. I just had to vent.

The Good News
1. I did get this photo of Thomas in his Blues Clues ears. So cute! If I can recover some more photos I'll share them tomorrow

2. Thomas' birthday was a lot of fun. The weather held out and the kids had a great time (now if I can only recover the photographic proof). Only down side - someone gave him a gift that is, in a word, obnoxious. It's very loud and has no volume button or off switch. They are due to have a baby very soon themselves so I may have to re-gift somewhere down the line.

3. I am on a winning streak. My luck in didgi land has been in a full upward swing the last couple of weeks. Good thing too, because my mojo seems to be on a little hiatas right now.
  • I won a weekly challenge for Jen Wilson's Attire/Accessorize contest which means my LO was voted the best one for that week. You can see the LO here.
  • Then I won some cool photo overlays from Traci Murphy just from posting on her thread at My Scrapbook Art.
  • And then on Saturday night I won a book from Nancy Comelab. Looks pretty cool too, all about sourcing your inner creativity which I really need right now. I also exchanged a few emails with the lady herself. She is such a sweetheart and has been going through a tough time lately. THEN she left a comment on my blog. I was a double winner - well triple if you count the emails.
  • Then I was browsing my blog list today and happened across my own LO at Lifts with a Twist! Yes, people are lifting me this week. I feel so honoured. Click here to see the post.

4. So I have been winning all over the place. What I haven't been doing is scrapping. There may be a reason for that too, but I can't officially share it quite yet. It's also very good news and some of you may be able to guess. :)

5. It's my Mum's birthday today - Happy Birthday Mum!

So I guess I ended this one on a positive note. That's me - the ultimate optomist. :)

Have a great day everyone. :)


1 comment:

The Snider Family said...

Oh Nicole! I am heartbroken for you. I hope that you are able to retrieve your pictures. I'm sending good vibes your way. Congrats on being selected for the lift and for all of your other recent successes. Here's hoping that they continue! Have a great day!