Wednesday, September 5, 2007

So Proud

Thomas got into the cupboard where we keep the pots and pans the other night, pulled out a saucepan, found a wooden spoon somewhere on the floor (no, that's not usually where I leave my wooden spoons) and proceeded to "cook" something. He was yelling out to me in the other room and saying "Look Mummy, I'm Cooking".

Of course at this point I'm thinking I have the most intelligent child in the world. I mean he's not even two yet and he knows that saucepan plus wooden spoon means cooking. Especially impressive since he probably learned this from watching me do it.. oh.. three times in his entire life!

But then the thing that happened next pushed him into the genius category. He looks at me and says, clear as day, "Mummy, take a picture!". My heart sang with joy. I have a child who like to have his photo taken... at least for now.

Here are the resulting photos. A little blurry, but definitely worth pulling out the camera for this milestone moment.

This is one proud Mama. :)


Tara Sroka said...

too cute! can he cook me some dinner? i'm starving! LOL! =P

Jodie said...

Awww how cute, lol at the picture request.