Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Standing Up

So I signed up for the Stand up and Scrap contest. I have no illusions of winning but could be a bit of fun and may stretch me a little. The first challenge involved brushes and the second one asks you to use different patterned papers. Neither of these are my strength. I am a fairly clean and simple scrapper so I am finding it difficult but I guess that's the point. I won't be able to show all of my pages until we're done.

I do have some LOs that I CAN share.
This one is for the quote challenge at MDM. I kept trying to add more to it but it didn't feel right so I guess this is it. :) Holly also posted it on the MDM homepage as Masterpiece of the week which is very cool.

This one uses Lauren Reid's Spookiest kit. I am not a big Hallowee person, but I guess since I now live in America I should expect at least one LO each year that shows Thomas in a costume. This is my first one. I am glad I scrapped it though because I just had those photos sitting there from Oct 2006 and thats where they would have stayed if I hadn't tried to create a Halloween LO.

This one uses a bunch of Lauren stuff, including her NZ Naturals kit which I love. Very simple and understated with muted grungy colors. Gorgeous. I also used her wonky templates (which I will HAVE to use again) and her new Mistaken alpha. I really like this one and have to create more pages about the everyday things.

So that's about it from me tody. I have an offsite meeting for work tomorrow and Friday but hopefully I'll fit some scrapping and blog browsing in at the end of the day. I can't be away for too long. :)

Off to think about the next Stand Up challenge now... hmmmm...

Thanks for stopping by


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