Monday, September 24, 2007

Mojo Kickstart

I am blogging on Mojo to Gogo today for Lauren's team. Drop by and check it out. Today my little piece is of mojo is some water pics I took with my brand new camera. Did I mention I bought a brand new camera? :)

My weekend was nice and relaxing. I really felt like I had a weekend which is very nice. Kei played golf ALL DAY on Saturday. He was gone from 9am to 7pm. Not that I'm complaining, I mean it might be his last opportunity for a while.

Thomas and I hung out at the park near our house. They had an organic baby fair which was fun. Lots of people trying to sell their holistic wares - chirpractors, midwives, lead testing etc. It was a good way to kill a few hours and really tire Thomas out. He took a 3 hour nap when we got home!

Yesterday was quiet and restful. I even took a two hour nap while Thomas was sleeping.

So nothing too exciting to report I'm afraid. I may have some news to share later this week. ;)

Have a great Monday

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