Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Great News!

My photos are saved! I paid $40 for a program that rescued my photos - even some that I had deleted off the camera on Friday (not that I wanted to keep them but good to know I can salvage if I ever want to).

I am so happy. And the $40 was worth it - even for just this little gem.

I am off to return the card today. I ordered another (different) card through Amazon which should arrive in the next few days and then I can start using my camera again - (almost) worry free.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I think it really helped. :)

Having a spa night with the girls this evening which should be a lot of fun. I of course won't get any more scrapping done - I think it's been about 5 days which is a lifetime for me. Just need to get out of this funk. Hopefully my mojo will return just in time for Stand up and Scrap which begins tomorrow.

Anyway, just wanted to share the good news. Must get back to work now.

Thanks for stopping by


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