Thursday, September 6, 2007

Totally Ever So Not Fair

Today's blog post title brought to you by Lola of Charlie and Lola fame. My grammer isn't quite that bad. Very cute children's books and a TV show to go with them but I have only seen it once. Thomas likes Charlie and Lola (and secretly I do too).

But that's not the unfair part. Begin rant now...

I am 32 - not that old, but old enough that I sometimes need to take a moment and do the math to remember how old I am. And old enough that I should not have to worry about pimples any more! I am so tired of waking up in the morning with an eruption the size of vesuvius planted on my cheek, chin, forehead etc. etc. I mean when did the rules change? I was told in high school that I would grow out of it. That Acne is a temporary thing suffered by teenagers (like the teenage years were punishment enough on their own).

I have tried everything - creams, lotions, scrubs. At the end of the day I feel that I am now in my 30s and Acne should be a thing of the past. Come on universe, cut me some slack here. I deserve it.

Rant over.

And, no, I am not posting a photo today. :)

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