Tuesday, September 11, 2007


This is HUGE! I just placed an order for a brand new Canon Rebel Xti Digital SLR. I can in all honesty say that if I had not become so addicted to digital scrapbooking then I would not have a $700 charge on my credit card right now. I tell my husband to blame the digi scrapping community - especially the enablers over at My Digital Muse with their beautiful photos.

I am so excited! It should arrive by the end of the week - just in time for Thomas' birthday party on Saturday. Not that I am thinking for a moment that I will learn how to use in just one day.

Anyway, look for some blurry photos on Monday as proof of my new purchase.

I have completely lost track of the layouts I have and haven't posted on this blog. Here are a few I am almost sure I haven't posted before but please forgive me if any of this seems repetitive. ;)

I created this one for the current challenge on Nancy Comelab's blog. The challenge was to create a layout about an event in your life without using photos. This was a tough one for me. Thankfully I had a lot of time to think about while I sat in traffic for almost two hours yesterday on my way home (yes, two hours! There was an accident that closed down all but one lane of 1-5).

I forgot how helpful it is to actually have some time alone to think (Now how's that for looking onthe bright side of rush hour traffic :)). I have been planning to document Thomas' birth story for...ohhh.. two years. I still plan to write EVERY detail down but I think this will be a great LO to accompany it. It really talks about the roller coaster ride of feelings during his birth. I love how it turned out. Click on the image for a larger view, credits and better look at the journaling.

This LO is using the new exotic adventures kit - a collab by Nancy Comelab, Chrsitine Renee, Tiff Brady and Emily Merritt. Such a cute kit! Click on the image yada yada yada.

I tried something new for this one. I actually used my tablet PC as a tablet and created my own "hand-cut" shapes. I really like the effect. The papers are from Tara Sroka at MDM. Again, image is clickable for more deets.

And this one's just pretty. I used Dani Mogstad's Saturday Market kit. The kit is pretty and girly (although I have used it for a boy LO) that I just had to scrap some pics of my favourite flower.

That's about all I have to report today...and that's enough right? Thanks for stopping by. :)


1 comment:

Nancy Comelab said...

Oh wow! Congratulations! I am sure you will have many hours of fun with your new camera... can't wait to see your first pictures!!! :)

Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous layouts, Nicole. You rock!
