Monday, July 2, 2007

Happy Holiday Week Monday

It’s Monday morning and for the first time in a long time I feel like a really had a weekend. I feel like I actually achieved some things this weekend – and, wait for it – I exercised!! Some exercise was planned (bike riding) and some was as bi-product of working around the house. But that counts too! So here are the things I checked off on my list this weekend. I know you will be impressed. :)

  1. Saturday morning: OR Zoo. Highlights were the elephants (aren’t they always?) and the goats in the petting zoo. Exercise: Walking. The OR zoo has many hills.
  2. Saturday afternoon: Gardening – that’s if you count weeding as actual gardening. Exercise: 2 hours of bending and pulling things from the ground.
  3. Saturday night – dinner at a neighbor’s house. Exercise: Pulling the kids off each other and walking up her stairs to take a look around the house (OK that was a stretch)
  4. Sunday Morning: Bike ride to a local park and then down to the river. Exercise: 1 hour of bike riding – hills involved and often short of breath.
  5. Sunday early afternoon: Walk to the grocery store for the weekly shopping. Exercise: 4 miles of walking (albeit at a slow pace), including 2 miles of pushing a very heavy stroller filled with groceries and one toddler.
  6. Sunday late afternoon: Cleaned a VERY dirty BBQ. Exercise: 1 hour of rapid arm movements and squats to reach the difficult spots under the grill.

So there you have it – A very productive weekend balanced with lots of fun family time and PLENTY of exercise. Now if I could just stop eating chocolate…

Unfortunately it didn’t leave a lot of time for scrapping but I do have some Digi news to share. My Digital Muse is having a CT call for Digi and Hybrid artists. Details are in the July Muse – right at the very end so make sure you scroll down. And if you’re reading this blog then it is a given that you are very intelligent and creative so we would love to have you join the team. J

In other MDM news, there are a couple of great sales right now – you can find all the details in the July Muse. Make sure you don’t miss this crazy deal. Tara is selling her store for just $25. I hear a couple of other stores are up for grabs too so don’t miss out. Click on the image to go directly to her store.

And finally, my photo of the day – an ode to Oral Hygeine and Father/Son bonding.

Have a great Monday.

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